I help people restore their vitality, resolve their health issues, and feel amazing in their skin so they can have the clarity and confidence to create the lives they ache for.
I was numb, working a job I had zero passion for, going through the motions as the shell of a person that used to love life. I was doing everything I read or saw other thriving, radiant women do online to try and feel those sensations in myself.
I felt lost, insecure, and completely separate from my body; stuck in a loop of picking apart the next thing I needed to “work on” to make myself feel better all while dampening the signals my body sent me.
After finally leaning in to the intuitive wisdom of my body, this “gut feeling” to eat some scrambled eggs, my energy levels were better than they’d been in almost a year of being vegan, my brain fog lifted, my depressed mood vanished, my focus skyrocketed, and I had the drive to do things like go for a run around my neighborhood or go to dinner with friends.
Amazed at the impact listening to that intuitive feeling had on my mental, emotional, and spiritual life, I leaned in some more. This gave me the space to decode what was going on with me.
“My body was making the unconscious and invisible alarmingly clear through all of my symptoms.”
The messages my body sent that made me uncomfortable, were happening for me, to show me where I was out of alignment.
I’m a Capricorn sun, Virgo rising, and Libra moon, Enneagram 5, A Generator, with a Vata-Kapha Constitution, if you’re into that stuff!
My go to comfort TV show: The OC. Seth Cohen makes my teenage self swoon.
I met Rihanna at a Starbucks (and my partner almost got sued by paparazzi that night, too).
I won a Halloween costume contest as a dark chocolate Hershey’s kiss. Swirly tin hat, paper tag, and all plump.
I bought my first car off of Craigslist & was super paranoid I’d get pulled over for a “stolen car” for at least a month. 6+ years later, we good!
I’ve broken 2 toes (one from Judo the other from yoga), my upper arm (from rugby), and I was hit by a car riding my bike. You can say I like to live life on the edge.
A sweet, cuddly Bombay cat adopted my husband and me, his name is Luna.